Monday, March 24, 2008

It's the Jungle, Baby!

We have just come back to civilization here in Belize. Over the weekend we stayed in Cockscomb Wildlife Sanctuary in some rustic cabins there. We were in the middle of nowhere, twice removed. You know, the park is not really near anything, and then you go 8 miles into the park where there is no electricity and jungle everywhere! It was great! What a beautiful park...

We went on a couple of hikes. The best: a hike to a double waterfall that you could swim in! It was so beautiful, and even better that we got to cool off in the pools after sweating so much to get to it. The hike was pretty steep, but not very long, so that was good. The even better thing-there was not a soul around us on this hike. We enjoyed the waterfall and swimming around, all by ourselves! The jungle was so interesting to hike through, so many unknown plants and birds...and leafcutter ants!! I had never seen these ants before, but they are pretty fascinating. Millions of ants marching on a path with little pieces of leaves on their backs-and they literally make a trail all by themselves! You can watch them and see that they wear out a path in the middle of the jungle-now that must be hard to do...We spotted toucans, parrots, and a few other crazy looking ones that I have to look up.

I loved that park....We could've stayed longer, only if we brought more food...

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